In the global marketplace, competition has never been more intense. Cross-border transactions have increased, and antitrust and competition laws have proliferated. Rules governing mergers and acquisitions, cartels and business practices have exploded around the world. Companies are now subject to antitrust and competition regulations in hundreds of jurisdictions, from Chile to China.
The stakes have never been higher. Increasingly, injunctions and compliance orders go right to the heart of a company, imposing mandatory changes of business practice and causing major disruptions. Moreover, antitrust and competition authorities are cooperating with each other as never before.
At Al-Dostour law firm, we have the experienced Antitrust and Competition lawyers around the world understand that your legal strategies must be equally well-coordinated. We can help make sure that your transactions meet the requirements of multiple jurisdictions, that your business policies are compliant, and that your interests are well-defended.
How We Can Help
Transaction approvals – Securing approvals for mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and other arrangements. We can coordinate timely and successful applications for clearance of transactions across multiple jurisdictions. Our Global Merger Control Manual details filing requirements in all major jurisdictions worldwide.
Anti-competition prevention – Assistance in preventing your suppliers or competitors from pursuing anti-competitive arrangements that adversely affect your business.
Investigation strategies – Formulating an effective strategy in the case of an investigation by antitrust and competition authorities. We can provide local, on-the-spot assistance when officials launch multi-jurisdictional raids of your premises. And we’ll manage the investigation process to contain the risks.
Business policy development – Assistance with the development of business policies that comply with applicable antitrust and competition rules around the globe. Our Global Competition Toolkit is designed to help you efficiently achieve successful compliance.
Antitrust/competition litigation – Representation in antitrust/competition litigation, including civil cases, class actions and government prosecutions. We also defend companies and executives in government criminal cartel investigations and follow-on private litigation.