people are essential to your business. When it comes to employing them, however, few things are ever simple. Their legal rights, personal needs and cultural expectations present both opportunities and risks.
Find the Best Labor Attorney for Your Case
The laws and regulations governing relationships between employers and employees are complex, confusing and sometimes contradictory. If you don’t know your rights – or respect theirs – your productivity, profitability and reputation can all suffer.
At Al-Dostour law firm , we understand that business success requires legally sound, strategically savvy labor and employment policies and practices. Our Global Labor, Employment & Employee Benefits Practice Group includes experienced lawyers whose focus is to help employers comply with the law, prevent unwanted issues from arising and continuously adapt to the realities of an intensely competitive global economy.
How We Can Help
Workplace issues and policies – We help implement, monitor and enforce policies dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination, drug and alcohol testing, employee privacy and family and medical leave.
Labor relations and trade unions – We help with wage and hour issues, unionizing activities, collective bargaining, and interpretation of work rules, grievances and industrial disputes.
Global migration – We help manage immigration issues, mostly related to visas and work permits that come with hiring foreign employees.
International executive mobility – We help clarify and support compliance with labor and tax implications of cross-border movement of executive level employees.
Terminations and layoffs – We provide counsel on separation agreements, as well as the legal and regulatory notice requirements associated with reductions in force and plant closings.
Employment-related litigation – We defend or prosecute claims of wrongful discharge, discrimination, harassment, whistleblower actions and protection of intellectual property.
Employee benefits and compensation – We design, implement and administer all types of employee benefits and executive compensation programs.
Pensions law – We provide practical counseling to sponsoring employers, trustees and plan administrators involved in running occupational pension plans on all aspects of legislative, regulatory and fiscal requirements.
Global equity services – We design, implement and maintain equity-based compensation programs for employees, consultants and directors.
Transactions – We help manage the employment effects of major corporate restructurings and transactions and provide legal advice on employment and human capital issues that occur in major merger and acquisition activities, as well as post-acquisition integrations.
Health & Safety – We help develop safety programs and conduct preventative audits to determine potential workplace and legal risks. Should the need arise,